Sunday, September 9, 2007

9/8/07- I didn't get the best picture of them together, but these are my pals Ben and Susan as they came out of the temple after they were sealed for time and all eternity. I am sad to lose my friends to wedded bliss, but happy they will be just down the street from me. Superfriends, Unite!

9/7/07- Vicki and I survived the well-known pirate ship ride (the one that swings back and forth) at the Puyallup fair. We followed it up with a ride that was more uncomfortable than scary- a little too much time hanging upside down gives you a headache!


caraotas said...

Off with the flash!

RedBird said...

Hey man, don't judge my low-tech camera! (Well, maybe it's operator error.)

Danielle said...

Awe...I miss you guys...say hi to Vicki if you see her anytime soon.

RedBird said...

Will do, thanks Danielle!